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Thursday, September 3, 2009

SEO, Search engine Optimization

What is a Search Engine?

A sophisticated script used to help organize the world's information. A tool used to find information.

How do Search Engines Work?

They look at page layout and markup as well as linkage data to determine the relative importance and meaning of a document. Search is still in its infancy. The primary relevancy driver for most competitive keywords is link text.

What is an SEO?

People who work on their own site or clients sites to boost their rankings in search engines.

How do SEOs Improve Site Rankings?

  • Making dynamic pages spiderable by removing session IDs (and other problems).
  • Linking to all pages on a site via text links (or image links) which search engine spiders can follow.
  • Using specific keyword rich page titles, headers, subheaders, internal linking, and page copy.
  • Building linking campaigns. Most links should use variations of the primarily keyword phrases in the link text.

What is the Most Effective SEO Techniques?

You should ensure that:

  • your pages are indexed;
  • your pages are well structured (with headers and subheaders etc.);
  • you use descriptive page titles and other page text;
  • and that you build many keyword rich inbound links.

Link building is usually the hardest and most powerful part of effective broad based SEO.

Why Search Engines like to use the Ethics Tag:

Pay per click advertising makes search engines billions of dollars of revenue each year. If you are spending money to manipulate their search results that means:

  • the search result quality may lower;
  • and (more importantly) someone other than the search engine is getting that money.

Is Search Engine Optimization Ethical?

Search engine optimization is just a means to help distribute your message. Nothing more, nothing less. Calling search engine optimization unethical is similar to calling creating a website or printing a newspaper unethical.

SEO can be used to push unethical ideas (racism, war, ignorance, sweat shop labor for companies like Nike, etc.). Just as frequently SEO can be used to push ethical ideas (equality, peace, education, safe and honest working conditions, etc.).

SEO itself should not normally be tied to any ethics guideline B/S. One can use SEO to push whatever ideas they like though.

Why do Search Engine Optimization Experts Use the Ethical Marketing Angle?

The SEO industry is often lacking in credibility. Its easier to use that as a branding angle than it is to be original and come up with your own.

Is Spamming Ethical?

Unsolicited email messages are spam because they shift the marketing time and cost from the marketer to the person opening their email. Because it steals your time (a portion of your life you will never reclaim) spam email is exceptionally bogus.

Can You Spam a Search Engine?

A search engine is not a person. A search engine is a tool. When their algorithm is messed up they push the blame on some "deviant" webmasters. The real solution of course is to make a better algorithm.

Webmasters who provide the content to fill the search results do not necessarily profit adequately for providing the content which allows search engines to deliver a ton of ads. Some of these same webmasters sell text links to other high margin or profitable sites. This is of course arbitrarily wrong because search engines want to be the middle man and want to profit from as many internet ad dollars as possible.

The Facts about SEO

  • Being an honest business person is a good thing. Hinging your marketing on ethics is a blatant display of desperation.
  • The goal of the SEO is to get the clients site to rank better for relevant search phrases to spread messages or create sales.
  • No matter what the SEO, search engines, or clients say: the SEO should put the client ahead of the search engines.
  • Certain methods are more risky than others and most sites do not need to be promoted via exceptionally risky methods.
  • Some SEOs are too aggressive, many other SEOs take money and do little work for their pay. You should research before spending money on SEO.
  • The ethical tag is a marketing idea used by:
    • people who are new to SEO and rather ignorant; or
    • unoriginal marketers who are severely lacking in creativity.
  • Since a search engine is a tool its not something you can spam.
via: whitehatseo


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Organic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Services

This motto "Results, not excuses."reflects the attitude we take towards the optimization of each and every website we work on. From helping you choose the best keyword targets to seeing your website among the top positions on the major search engines, we'll work with you to
Maximize your return on investment from our SEO services.How confident are we that we can attain high rankings for your website through ethical search engine optimization? Confident enough to offer a 100% money back guarantee on our SEO services.We are business people too, and like you we understand that every investment must produce results for your company. Whether that money is being spent on additional sales staff, new equipment, or on attaining high search engine positioning by hiring an SEO firm; that investment must generate revenue higher than its cost in order to be considered worthwhile.

Why does your website need search engine optimization services?

85% of all website traffic originates from the search engines, with the majority coming from a select few. If your company has an online presence but doesn't have a high ranking on the major search engines for your targeted phrases then you're losing money to your competition every single day.At over Search Engine Positioning we make sure that your website attains a high ranking for the keyword phrases that will produce the greatest profit for you. We do this through in-depth keyword analysis combined with the highest level of commitment to placing your website above your competitors on the major search engines with our SEO services.

Search Engine Optimisation

(SEO)Search Engine Optimisation (also known as SEO) can make the difference between a website attracting visitors, and therefore potential revenue, or languishing in online obscurity...We have a proven track record in acquiring top-level positions on the most important Search Engines and directories, such as Google and DMOZ, with our clients' sites being returned on a wide range of carefully chosen strategic search terms.Part of the success of our approach can be attributed to the fact that the accessible, standards-compliant websites we produce, are coded by hand, and come optimised right "out of the box" using industry-standard best practice and outstanding levels of client care.

If you've already got a website, but it isn't performing as you would have hoped on the Search Engines, why not speak to us to see how the situation can be improved to your satisfaction.Everything we undertake to optimise your website is done in close consultation with you - we will work hard to gain an appreciation of your business, and the kind of visitors you wish to attract.We only ever use "white hat" optimisation techniques to acquire solid rankings for our clients - in other words, we simply won't use methods that could have a potentially adverse effect on those all-important positions. Sadly, the same cannot be said of a number of our competitors who employ opposing "black hat" strategies in an attempt to boost a site's visibility on the Search Engines.Of course, you don't have to be based in London, or california to benefit from our experience in Search Engine Optimisation - we can help you wherever you or your business may be!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Top 10 SEO Tips

The following tips are not necessarily in order of importance, but are in the order you should consider when building a new website from scratch. My top 10 tips ranked by order of importance for high rankings are displayed elsewhere.

1. Know your geographic market and ensure your domain has the correct TLD.
If your primary market is the UK it is important to use a .UK TLD and ideally have your domain hosted on UK based servers.

2. Include keyword in Domain name (using hyphens if necessary).
This doesn't mean having a domain name like try to stick to the one hyphen and not read as spammy. A good example is a site that sells wheelchair ramps with the URL of the site being ..

3. Create as much content about your products or subject as you can.
After doing this divide in to 4 or 5 sections (this will help later when creating your navigation structure)

4. AFTER you have your site content start keyword researching
There are tools you can use for keyword research; Wordtracker and The Google AdWords Keyword Tool to name but two. I personally use a combination of the Google Keyword Tool, Google LSI and T.J. Common Sense.

5. Decide on 4 or 5 primary keywords to use as main sub-sections
Ideally have an idea of 4 or 5 main keywords, call them your Primary Keywords and then try to position secondary keywords with the Primary Word most closely associated with it.

6. Sit down and sketch out your navigation system
Put a lot of time in to this and play around until it is right, use Primary Keyword as headers for 5 main Sub-sections and use secondary keywords as headers for content pages under each Primary Keyword

The above diagram shows the early stages of constructing a navigation system. The green section (Sub-1) shows how all other sub sections will be. The Home page, All 5 Sub-section, About us, Terms, Contact, Privacy, Resources and Sitemap pages are always interlinked with each other forming 12 strong pages (more about this later)

7. Re-write content using knowledge previously gained about keywords and phrases
This doesn't mean totally re-writing and stuffing the page with keywords, it requires writing paragraphs ensuring the right phrases are in the right places but isn't obvious that the phrases are written for the search engines. Do not write too much information on each page and do not stray of in to writing about something else.

8. Structure each individual page
With your content rich, keyword balanced page written, you now have to create the page structure. Each page should be seen as an individual website.
Starting from the top,
o Page title should reflect the content of the Page ensuring you use the primary keyword for that Page
o Meta keyword tags, (although not overly important), should list 4 or 5 individual keywords related to the Page you have created.
o Meta Description tags, this should be a short concise description describing what the Page is about. This is very important as a selling point as you can manipulate the search engines in to displaying this when the person searches for the keyword used in the description. A favourite of mine is "Provides information about the latest KEYWORD now in stock and available online" or words suitable for the product.
o Avoid bloated code by using external style sheets and minimum coding.
o Main page layout was previously discussed whilst sketching the navigation system, but it is important that all links are seen by the engines and are using the correct anchor text related to the pages they are pointing too. Avoid using javascipt for links and if you have to use images ensure you use the correct alt attributes. If the page has too many links on it and looks messy this can be overcome by using a combination of css and javascript to create drop down boxes, but should only be used if you know what you are doing. If you have the opposite problem, and want to include links on the page but not necessarily have search engines follow them, this can be achieved using drop down option boxes.
o With yout general layout and your linking structure sorted you should now sort out your headings. The main page heading of the page should use your Keywords and be in H1 Tags, this should be followed by your most important paragraph, ideally working down the page you should use secondary headers from h2 to h4 (always using the keywords if possible)
o If you have used images on your page ensure keywords in the Alt attributes, this doesn't mean keyword stuff them but just describe the image using the keyword.

9. Proof read your completed page and get a 2nd opinion
With your page completed try and get someone to check it for you to see if it reads to spammy and to see if you have missed out any obvious key phrases that should be on the page.

10. Construct your site.
With the previous procedure completed for all pages it's now time to put the site together. Simply use the previously devised linking structure, group similar pages together under appropriate sub headings and ensure all links are active and using correct anchor text.

via: UKSBD


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Internet Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Online Marketing

How can Internet Marketing help to put your website first?

Learn, Promote, Convert.
Proven and measureable Internet marketing strategies for your business.

Welcome to SEO Internet Marketing. How can SEO help to put your website first?

We provide proven Internet Marketing results using only ethical techniques. Our search engine marketing ensures a high return on investment by achieving maximum visibility for your website within major search engines including Google, MSN & Yahoo! Search.

We are Internet Marketing professionals working with UK businesses of all sizes to increase profits from online marketing using a variety of methods. Our Internet marketing solutions will help to increase your leads, sales, revenue and profit in five simple steps.

Amateurs guess. Professionals know. We research and formulate the best online marketing strategy to meet your goals. We use a series of analysis to discover a broad range of the most specific keywords that suit your web site and will bring you the highest volume of the targeted traffic possible.

Get your site noticed.
We attract the right people to your website with our range of Internet Marketing services.

Turn Visitors into Customers.
Make it crystal clear for visitors to see what you sell and then to buy it.

Analyse conversions, traffic reports, rankings reports, control site quality.

Keep Customers Returning.
Customer retention is key aspect to increasing your profitability. We can help you to improve your customers’ lifetime value.


Internet Marketing from SEO
What do we deliver?

• A completely managing Search Engine Marketing (SEM) service

• A dedicated account manager, your single point of contact

You can mix and match our internet marketing solutions. We offer rankings reports, pay per click program management, keyword analysis, website optimisation, search engine submission, link building campaigns.

How much does it cost?
Our Internet Marketing services can cost as little as £50 per month.

What next?
Speak to one of our Search Engine Marketing Consultants today and discover how SEO can put your website first today by calling us on (UK) 0800 047 0991 or (Ireland) 1800 550 444. Alternatively send us an enquiry online and we will contact you! We'll discuss your Internet Marketing needs and requirements with no pushy sales pitch and no obligation to you.


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